
This document describes the installation of the "Web-based Library Application for PICA" on a Unix server (Solaris, Linux, etc.), with Apache as its Webserver.  We assume that you are familiar with typical Unix administration tasks and that you have some knowledge of SQL, PHP and HTML.

Other configurations (e.g. Windows + IIS) are not supported, although they should be possible in principle. If you succeed  in getting such a configuration to work, we would be grateful to hear from you. Please send mail to Carsten Elsner <>.


These installation notes are still very incomplete, highly beta, and probably outdated, misguiding, or just plain wrong. Follow these instructions, and your computer will catch fire and burn, your wive and kids will leave you, and your car will break down. You have been warned! ;)


Testing your environment

Create a file "test.php" in the document root of your webserver, with the following content:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Assuming your webserver has the IP address, open the URL:

You should see a PHP status page.  Please check it, and make sure that:

If the PHP status page does not appear, or if MySQL or Sybase support is missing, do not continue! Check your installation and fix it!   


  1. Create a sub-directory in your web server's document root, e.g. "application", and unpack the contents of the installation ZIP file into that directory.

  2. Create a new mysql database, and initialize the tables. The necessary steps are, roughly (user input is in bold face):

    $ mysql -p
            Enter password: <administrator password>
            Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
            Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 4.0.17

            Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

            mysql> create database application;
            Query OK, 1 row affected (0.20 sec)

            mysql> exit

       $ mysql -p application < dbinit.sql
            Enter password: <administrator password>

  3. You will probably have to edit the contents of the following database tables:

    and possibly others. You may edit these tables either with "mysql", using SQL statements, or with a frontend such as phpmyadmin, see

    The meaning of the tables is described in the internal system documentation.

  4. Now you will have to create two database user accounts that have limited access to the "application" database.

    We will call these accounts "staff" and "nostaff", but the names are arbitrary.  The necessary SQL statements are:

    GRANT INSERT ON application.persons TO nostaff
        IDENTIFIED BY 'secret1';
    GRANT INSERT ON application.addresses TO nostaff;
    GRANT SELECT ON application.usertype_names TO nostaff;
    GRANT SELECT ON application.address_types TO nostaff;
    GRANT SELECT ON application.usertypes TO nostaff;

    GRANT SELECT ON application.* TO staff
        IDENTIFIED BY 'secret2';
    GRANT UPDATE ON application.serial_number TO staff;
    GRANT UPDATE, DELETE ON application.persons TO staff;
    GRANT UPDATE, DELETE ON application.addresses TO staff;

    Of course, you should probably use better passwords ;-)

  5. On the PICA LBS server, you have to create a Sybase database user that has SELECT privilege on the "borrower" table.

  6. Edit at least the following PHP files:

  7. When you have reached this point, everything should work except  for the "Send to PICA" functionality in the staff's web interface  (i.e. the creation of a new borrower account in the PICA system from a applicant's data).

    You can now test the system by visiting http://webserver/application and enter a new application into the system. You may also visit the staff's web interface at http://webserver/application/admin, where you can  view, edit or delete the new application record.

  8. In a production system, you must now configure your web server so that:

    You may also want to enable SSL on your webserver for additional protection.

  9. To enable the "Send to PICA" functionality, you will need  to set up a client/server system both on the webserver and the PICA server.

    1. The perl script "pica/pica_upload_server" must be started on the PICA server, and must run under the "lbsprod" unix account.

      There is a sample init.d script "pica_upload.rc" that you may use for this purpose.

    2. The perl script "pica/pica_upload_client" runs on the web server. It is started automatically when you press the "Send to PICA" button. Make sure that the script is executable by the the user account that your web server is running under.

      Since the script contains a password, make sure that nobody but the webserver can read  or execute the script! Otherwise, anybody who can login to your webserver can also modify borrower accounts on your PICA system!

    3. You must edit both scripts before using them. You need to adjust these parameters:
      • @ip_ok in pica_upload_server. This is an array of IP addresses that are allowed to connect to the server. You should enter the IP address of your web server here.

      • You should change $password in both pica_upload_server and pica_upload_client. Both passwords must match!

      • You should also check and adjust the paths in pica_upload_server.

      WARNING:  Note that there is NO DATA ENCRYPTION between client and server!

       In a production environment, you will probably want to set up an encrypted  tunnel (SSH, SSL) for better security.

  10. You can now test the "Send to PICA" functionality.

  11. You are done! Congratulations!


If you have problems or want to make suggestions, please contact:

    University Library Braunschweig
    IT Department

    Martin Butkus
    Phone:  +49 (0) 531 391-5066